I've been interested in swords for about as long as I can remember; guess I had too much Prince Valiant, King Arthur, Robin Hood, and Zorro while growing up. While in college, I learned to fence, and was the Saber Captain for 3 years. Fencing really ignited my interest, and I began to research sword styles and history.
About that same time I stumbled upon an antique store in Newport Beach, California that specialized in weaponry. I was amazed to discover that there were so many antique swords available. The thought that one could actually own a piece of history boggled my mind! A few months of saving money led to the purchase of my first antique sword, an Austrian Infantry officer's sword ca. 1860. The second purchase happened about a year after the first, and was an English 1796 pattern Light Cavalry sword. I then discovered auctions and mail-order dealers, and collecting began in earnest.
By the late 1970s I was restoring grips and doing repairs to my swords. Several collectors and dealers saw my work, and began bringing their pieces to me. This was the beginning of my hobby/career as an antique sword restorer. As time passed, guns, polearms, and armor went through my workshop, but swords always remained my main interest. The thing I really enjoyed about restoration was that it gave me the opportunity to closely examine antiques that I would never have had a chance to handle otherwise. Another benefit was the development of an appreciation that we are merely caretakers of these survivors of the past. Thus restoration should be done only when the integrity of the piece can be preserved. Historical accuracy is a must, and "improvements" are to be avoided.
During the early 90s I began to wonder if I could make a sword, and so constructed a Saxon style broadsword ca. 1570 of mild steel. It sold quickly, and soon a local collector asked me to make some baskethilts for some loose Kaskara blades that he had. After the collector died, his swords came into the possession of Craig Johnson and Thomas McDonald. Thomas discovered that I was one of the hiltmakers, and he asked me to do a Walter Allan basket. That was four years ago, and that first hilt began my association with Sword Forum International and myArmoury.com, introducing me to a variety of fellow sword enthusiasts; many of whom I now count as friends.
My wife, Ruth, and I have two children: seven-year-old Luke and three-year-old Arielle. We are associate members of the missionary organization OMF International, and we live in Chiang Mai Thailand. Both my wife and I work at the Chiang Mai International School, where Ruth is the librarian and I teach various Biology classes.
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Contacted via myArmoury.com